Founded, and under the direction of Tanesha Sumerset Payne, sumRset is a professional contemporary dance company focused on increasing visibility, accessibility, and appreciation for movement as performance art in San Antonio and abroad.

Estafiate: Music For Plants
Performed March 16th, 2024. Choreographed by Tanesha Payne.
An immersive performance of music and movement inspired by the power of nature through plants.

Agarita + sumRset Movement
Performed January 27th, 2024. Choreographed by Tanesha Payne.
Where movement and music combine, there is creativity and emotional expression. This collaboration with Agarita serves as a centerpiece for sumRset Movement's vision - to inspire others to get in touch with their creative side and increase appreciation for contemporary dance.

"Everything was so professional and well done! The musicians were incredibly talented, as well as the dancers. The choreography was exceptional at storytelling, and I loved the entire collaboration!"
- H. Stolle
"What an incredible experience. This is one of the most inspiring creative productions I have ever seen in San Antonio. The collaboration was magical."
- L. August

We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities.
Let's collaborate!
